Food safety and global health: A shared responsibility | 25510

Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences

ISSN - 2155-9600

+32 25889658

Food safety and global health: A shared responsibility

3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Nutrition & Food Sciences

September 23-25, 2014 Valencia Convention Centre, Spain

Massimo Cecaro

Keynote: J Nutr Food Sci

Abstract :

Traditional surveillance systeMS capture only a fraction of the estimated 48million yearly cases of foodborne illness in the United States (Nsoesie EO et al. 2014). Food-borne illness has a societal cost of $357 billion annually. (Roberts, Tanya 2007) It is clear that mass-media play crucial roles in shaping public responses to health-related news (Cecaro 2011). Health communication should adhere to the principle of beneficence, non-ma- leficience, respect for personal autonomy, and justice (Cecaro 2012) Now a further step is needed, from ?one medicine approach? to ?one communication approach?. Health information institutions could potentially have a major influence on future communication strategies if they create a sort of standard to inform all stakeholders of the outcome of their evaluations. Information to the consumer is one of the main concern of the alert system, but in fact there is still a wide divergence between scientific and lay perceptions of risk, especially on a local basis. (Cecaro 2013)

Biography :

Massimo Cecaro after completing the high school in humanistic studies, he moved to the University of Camerino, where he got a Master Degree in Veterinary Medicine and in University of Teramo he successfully got the Specialization. Since the age of 14, he has worked as radio speaker, TV presenter and reporter for a wide range of artistic and scientific events. At the age of 24 he obtained a qualification to practice as a Journalist and in 2007 he was admitted to the National Association of Medical Press (ASMI), where he currently holds the position of National Councilor. He is Resident Member of MJA Medical Journalists? Association (London). He is Member of EFSA?s Expert Database. He has been an invited speaker, mentor and chairman at International events in the field of Public Health and Safety in Canada, US, Europe and Asia. He has been author of several scientific works in public health. He is also director in Italy of a prestigious Educational Centre for work safety and public health. He is actively involved in international projects to improve the role of mass-media in medical sciences, and awarded in Philadelphia, Valencia and Las Vegas, with International special recognition. He is serving as an editorial member of several reputed journals like: ?Journal Food Processing Technology?, ?Journal of Veterinary Science & Technology?, and Editor in Chief in the ?Journal of Mass Communication? and ?Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs?. He is Organizing Committee Member of several International Conferences in US and in Europe.
