Improving quality of life (Qol) and sexual life in survivors of p | 49105

Oncology & Cancer Case Reports

ISSN - 2471-8556

Improving quality of life (Qol) and sexual life in survivors of prostate cancer (PCa) undergoing radical prostatectomy (RP)


December 05-07, 2016 Philadelphia, USA

Angela Naccarato

Universidade Estadual de Campinas � UNICAMP, Brazil

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Oncol Cancer Case Rep

Abstract :

Upon receiving the diagnosis by the physician, each patient was referred to the psychologist and offered group psychotherapy. Thirty patients undergoing RP were evaluated for erectile function (IIEF), Qol (SF-36 short form); and a questionnaire developed by the researches evaluating aspects of satisfaction of intimacy with a partner and satisfaction with sex life. The evaluation was taken before surgery and after the 12 weekly sessions post-surgery. The same psychologist administered group psychotherapy in weekly sessions, 90 minutes duration, with 2 meetings before RP and 12 after. Cognitive restructuring was applied using facilitative conditions such as empathy, respect and concreteness. The therapeutic setting has emphasis on the here and now, emotions, feelings, perception of one�s body. Identification of patient�s own needs, managing themselves in search of a better Qol within their own limitations, despite the erectile dysfunction. Trust and respect among the participants was constantly emphasized, the development of positive coping mechanisms and the reinterpretation of the illness. The educational and informative part consists of aspects related to the disease and treatment. The doubts and myths are clarified, making room for expression and affective contact. The material of each session involves aspects of the previous one, and new cognitive and emotional material in this session itself. Guidance on recommended physical activity and diet was discussed each week. Despite urinary incontinency still affecting most of the patients, and not having a good erectile function, the survivors present a good result in Qol and a good satisfaction in life in general and sexual life after group psychotherapy. The therapy provides the expression of feelings and anxiety from the treatment, facilitating the entire therapeutic process, both physical as emotional.

Biography :


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