Incidence of stroke among diabetic nephropathypatients: A meta-an | 50372

Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology

ISSN - 2155-9562

Incidence of stroke among diabetic nephropathypatients: A meta-analysis

Joint Event on 32nd European Neurology Congress & 12th International Conference on Vascular Dementia

July 22-24, 2019 London, UK

Abdulrahman O. Alharbi, Sultan Al Dalbhi  and Norah A .Alharbi

Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia
Prince Sultan Military Medical City, Saudi Arabia
Qassim University, Saudi Arabia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Neurol Neurophysiol

Abstract :

Background and Objectives: The association of micro vascular complications (diabetic nephropathy) with the stroke is limited because it will require huge sample size of diabetic population with nephropathy and long follow-up period to see the association or development incidence of stroke among these patients. So, we conducted out this metaanalysis of the existing studies to find out the incidence/ risk of stroke among diabetic nephropathy patients and and, explore the association between stroke and proteinuria in a diabetic nephropathy population and to describe Does Degree of Proteinuria a Clinical Matter!! ?

Methods & Materials: We searched the existing databases from the year 1995 to August 2018 by using the MeSH terms. All cohorts, cross sectional studies were searched for, fulfilling the inclusion criteria and as per operational definitions. The quality assessment criterion for quality of studies was already predefined.

Study Result: Seven studies were found to be eligible for inclusion in the meta- analysis. The hazards or risk of stroke development among diabetic patients was 3.25 times higher in patients with nephropathy as compared to patients without nephropathy. The pooled hazards ratio of 1.46 (95% CI=0.81-2.60) and of 1.65 (95% CI=0.53-5.11) among diabetic patients with micro albuminuria and macro albuminuria respectively.

Conclusion: Diabetic nephropathy patients have a higher incidence and risk of stroke compared to diabetic patients without nephropathy. This is the first meta-analysis which has included studies from January 1995 to August 2018 to the best of our knowledge which has tried to compare the risk/ hazard of stroke among diabetic patients with and with out nephropathy and sub-group analysis for micro and macro albuminuria.

Biography :

Abdulrahman Alharbi is currently working as an Assistant Professor of Neurology & Consultant Stroke Neurologist in the College of Medicine at Majmaah University.


