Chirag Prajapati
Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, India
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Endocrinol Metab Syndr
Objective: To study the pharmacological evaluation of Lonicera japonioca with reference to metabolic syndrome in order to restore 11�²-HSD1 induced endothelial dysfunction in SD rats. Introduction: Metabolic syndrome is multidisciplinary metabolic disorder in which Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension and Obesity are presented jointly. Chlorogenic acid is a major bioactive component in the flower buds of Lonicera japonica having 11�²-HSD1 property. 11�²-HSD1 induced endothelial dysfunction has been postulated to be a major contributor to the pathogenesis of Metabolic Syndrome. Methods: Present studies were aimed towards investigating the effectiveness of this LJALE extract against STZ-HFD induced diabetes and associated complications, fructose induced hypertension and HFD induced obesity respectively using SD rats. Parameters like ex vivo 11�²-HSD 1 inhibition assay, vascular reactivity study, Nitric Oxide and Peroxynitrile have been measured. Results: Chlorogenic acid isolated from LJALE could dose dependently inhibit the 11�²-HSD1 activity. LJALE attenuate the 11�²-HSD1 induced endothelium dysfunction in rats. LJALE treated obese animal reflect significant increased Nitric oxide and decreased Peroxynitrile. Conclusion: From all above statements, it has been concluded that Lonicera japonica protects SD rats against 11�²-HSD1 induced endothelium dysfunction in Metabolic Syndrome.
Chirag Prajapati has completed his PhD (Pharmacology) in May 2016. He has presented his MPharm research paper in USA in October 2013. He has total 5 years of experience in Academic & Research. He is presently working as a Hospital & Clinical Pharmacist in Government Hospital.