Network analysis of the relationship Between smartphone addiction | 62124

Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology

ISSN - 2155-9562

Network analysis of the relationship Between smartphone addiction and social support

5th International Conference on Neurologists & 33rd Euro Congress on Neurologists and Psychiatrists

July 11-12, 2024 | Webinar

Zahra Moghadam*, Hassan Mahmoudian

University of Mazandaran, Iran

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Neuro Neurophysiol

Abstract :

Smartphones dependency has grown to be a major issue that affects primarily the youth and college students. Although there are several attempts made to determine the relationship between smartphone addiction and FoMO, SNS, and social support, these analyses were frequently conducted based on correlation analysis and latent variable modeling. However, to the best of the authorsā?? knowledge, a limited number of studies have used network analysis to provide a two-way relationship of symptoms of smartphone addiction and psychological factors. It is through such a network that one may understand the multifaceted nature of the correlations of these factors at a given time or over time. In this research, smartphone addiction and social support are examined in relation to one another in a group of Iranian university students using the network approach. The participants were 824 Iranian college students to whom MPAI and SSRS questionnaires were given. The aim here is as follows; variables are represented as nodes while their connections as edges, enabling to evaluate the relationships on the high level of the investigated domainā??subscalesā??, as well as on the level of specific items. More importunately, from the item-level network analysis, we know that social support has a hypothesis-negative correlation with smartphone addiction. They increase understanding of these variables as mutually dependent, and indicate possible risks and resources for the development of the situation. Such insights can help develop prevention strategies or the best way to go about helping college students get rid of smartphone addiction. Moreover, it is also evident that network-based approach has considerable potential for the investigation of other concerns within this population. Key words: Network Analysis, Smartphone addiction, Social Support

Biography :

Zahra Moghadam has her expertise in personality psychology. Moghadam,ZŲ?mahmoudian,h (2021,winter). Structural relations between fear of covid 19 disease and covid 19 anxiety and coping methods: with the meadiating role of anger.the article presented in Research in educational systemsŲ?) 217-229(. Moghadam,ZŲ?dabaghian,Z (2024,winter). Neuropsychological etiology bases of learning disability: a systematic review. The article presented in the 11th Iran Cognitive Neuropsychology Symposium
