Neuro-Rehabilitation in neurosurgery. Opportunities and prospects | 49737

Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology

ISSN - 2155-9562

Neuro-Rehabilitation in neurosurgery. Opportunities and prospects

Joint Event on 22nd International Conference on Neurology and Neurophysiology & 23rd International Conference on Neurology and Neurosurgery

April 23-24, 2018 Rome, Italy

Ivanova Natalia Evgenyrvna

Polenov Neurosurgical Institute, Russia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Neurol Neurophysiol

Abstract :

Introduction: The purpose of early rehabilitation (as a combination of neurological, rehabilitation and neurosurgical interferences in the form of interdisciplinary work) is promoting spontaneous recovery of patients and prevention of secondary complications. Purpose: to assess the results of use early rehabilitation. Methods: CT, MRT, EEG, ENM, rehabilitation scales. Results: 1800 neurosurgical patients (neurotrauma, neurooncology, vascular neurosurgery, pediatric neurosurgery, vertebrologie, epilepsy, pain and spastic syndromes) received early rehabilitation. Etiology, pathogenesis, pathophysiological mechanisms, pathological conditions, the disease stage and duration of dysfunction before surgery have great importance for the restoration of the disturbed functions. Neuroreanimation department: methods used in the acute period can produce paradoxical responses and lead to a breakdown of compensation: the need to find methods of stabilizing stem dysfunction as early as possible, stem dysfunction correction, body-oriented techniques, treatment of bulbar disorders, breathing exercises, passive gymnastics and position treatment with the gradual expansion of the motion mode, early verticalization prevention of bedsores, polymodal sensory stimulation. Neurosurgical and rehabilitational departments: kinesitherapy with a maximum extension motor mode treatment for dysphagia, prevention and treatment of spasticity, treatment of flaccid paresis, correction of dysfunction of the pelvic organs, cognitive rehabilitation, speech therapy techniques, neuropsychological methods, prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers, simulation methods. Consequent cognitive impairment that worsen the prognosis of rehabilitation after neurosurgical pathology, a high degree of disability ( including those, due to the presence of intellectual and memory impairment), makes the problem of diagnosis and treatment of cognitive dysfunction socially significant. Conclusions: Early rehabilitation improved the outcome and the long-term quality of life.

Biography :

Ivanova Natalia Evgenievna, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, head of the scientific Department of the "Russian Polenov Neurosurgical Institute ", - branch of “National Medical Research Center  after V. A. Almazov ", chief neurologist of the Institute, honored doctor of the Russian Federation, Deputy editor-in-chief  Of the Russian neurosurgical journal. prof. A. L. Polenov, member of the Board of the Association of neurosurgeons of Russia. The main directions of scientific and practical activity are neurosurgical pathology of brain vessels, neurotrauma, neurorehabilitation and ultrasound diagnostics. Author of 450 scientific works, including 30 patents and three monographs, supervisor of 30 candidates and 4 doctors of Sciences in "nerve diseases" and "neurosurgery"
