Orbital apex syndrome with unusual involvement of facial nerve: a | 49670

Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology

ISSN - 2155-9562

Orbital apex syndrome with unusual involvement of facial nerve: a rare presentation of Rhino orbital mucormycosis


August 29-31, 2017 | London, UK

Tanmoy Pal

Army Hospital Research and Referral, India

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Neurol Neurophysiol

Abstract :

Rhino-orbital mucormycosis is a rare but life-threatening condition that generally occurs in patients with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus or other immune compromised conditions and is a medical and surgical emergency. Here is a case of 56 years old male with poorly controlled diabetes, who presented with ten day�s history of right sided facial weakness, hemianesthesia over the right half of face and scalp, progressive diplopia and painful visual loss in the right eye. Clinical examination revealed complete ptosis and complete ophtahlmoplegia, mydriasis, complete loss of vision and loss of pupillary light reflex in the right eye. Additionally there was right sided lower motor facial palsy and facial sensory loss over V1 and V2 segments of right 5th cranial nerve. Neurological and Radiological examinations revealed Jacob�s syndrome with unusual involvement of facial nerve. Biopsy from the paranasal sinus demonstrated evidence of mucor as the etiology. There are a few cases reported of orbital apex syndrome with facial nerve involvement.
