Paradoxical variation of the solar day related to Kepler/ Newton | 4539

Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering

ISSN - 2168-9792


Paradoxical variation of the solar day related to Kepler/ Newton system: The Solar Zenith Theory

International Conference and Exhibition on Satellite

August 17-19, 2015 Houston, USA

Luiz Sampaio Athayde Junior

Federal University of Bahia, Brazil

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Aeronaut Aerospace Eng

Abstract :

According to the first law of Kepler, the planets orbit the sun in elliptical path. This ellipse causes a slowdown in the world when it goes from the nearest point of the sun to the farthest point and also causes acceleration when the opposite occurs. This variation of the velocity of the planet combined with the inclination of its imaginary axis creates the anal Emma chart, which can be found with the overlap of the positions of the sun in a particular location always in the same time set on a watch. The anal Emma, in turn, describes variations in the durations of the solar day. In some dates, these variations in solar days occur in accordance with the change in velocity of the planet, but at other times, they get along perfectly Conversely, showing in some parts of the solar days year that will gradually reducing their periods as the planet decelerates and also increases periods as the planet accelerates.

Biography :

Luiz Sampaio Athayde Junior has made presentations in numerous symposia and conferences in Brazil in the area of astronomy at Venezuela and had his research also published in Spain. He is the author of the Blog read in over 170 countries and in more than 20 languages. He is also the author of the book “The Solar Zenith Theory” (in Portuguese “A Teoria do Zênite Solar”) published by Editors of Federal University of Bahia (EDUFBA). His research in the astronomy area helps to create a tropical astronomy and new seasons for tropical zone.

