Patient centered care in primary care | 49280

Primary Health Care: Open Access

ISSN - 2167-1079

Patient centered care in primary care

3rd Annual Congress & Medicare Expo on Primary Healthcare, Clinical & Medical Case Reports

April 17-19, 2017 Dubai, UAE

Ashraf Ahmed

Dubai health Authority, UAE

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Primary Health Care

Abstract :

We are in the era of high tech medicine more than ever. Medicine is advancing through innovation, 3D printing, etc. Emerging of personalized medicine is one of the exciting news of all. Personalized medicine is going to identify the characteristics of individual�s susceptibility, will select the optimal treatment based on context of genetic content and predict better the risks for diseases. As such it has inspired hope for curing the incurable and raised the expectation for improvement of healthcare. On the other hand family medicine with its principles of patient centeredness, community based discipline, and a resource to define practice population, remains an essential part of healthcare system, can take the advantage of sophisticated technology supported by its skilled clinicians; to provide better care for the patients and community. These inventions not only would not put the role of family medicine at risk but it strengthens it. It will provide an opportunity to integrate those new tech into the personalized care that family physician provides. Family medicine will remain as a corner stone of healthcare as far as the direction of all development is toward personalized care even though through sophisticated highly specialized technics that fits in secondary or tertiary care. This advancement ultimately leads to prediction of the susceptibilities of the individuals, communities and population to diseases, which would need planning to prevent them to save lives, cost, promote health and improve quality of life. Experience worldwide shows successful primary health care system is usually a result of involvement of primary care doctors with postgraduate training in family medicine or general practice. There are enough evidences that healthcare system with good primary care services has better health outcome in all areas. Primary care results in better health outcome and equity in distribution of the health with lower cost.

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