Pay-for-performance (p4p) linked at patient/immaterial value adde | 49931

Primary Health Care: Open Access

ISSN - 2167-1079

Pay-for-performance (p4p) linked at patient/immaterial value added

4th World Congress on Health Economics, Health Policy and Healthcare Management

September 13-14, 2018 | Zurich, Switzerland

Yannick Pots

Free University Brussels, Belgium

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Primary Health Care

Abstract :

Background: Payment systems based on fee-for-service (FFS) are focused on health care in-comes, which primarily create incentives for acute treatment. Linked with the fact that the 60-109yrs old are responsible for 78.66% on pharmaceutical expenditures, we can deduct from the OECD data1 why expenditures on health are unsustainable and untenable. The aim of this study is to describe how payment systems based on pay-for-performance (P4P) linked to health status out-comes, are creating sustainable health services and health care. Methods & Results: Performance has to be focused on health related quality of life (HR-QOL), functional ability (FA), intrinsic capacity (IC), resp. health-related life years gained (HR-LYG) value added (VA) during the full life care circle, i.e. from primary, preventive, screening and condition/disease/urgent care management, going on to ageing and long-term (ALT)/end-of-life (EOL) care management. According to the Pareto-principle, 80% of the wages should be paid immediately. Only when HRQOL-, FA-, IC-, HR-LYG-VAâ??s are achieved/obtained, as condition sine qua non, supplementary performance has to be paid (from 0% up to 20%), according to corporate, hospital, (information) technology and health & well-being governance. Conclusions & Significance: Payment systems based on pay-for-performance focused/linked to health status outcomes, which primarily creates incentives for primary and preventive care/management and screening, will create fair and sustainable health services & health care.

Biography :

Yannick Pots, LLM, has been Graduated from the State(Lib.&Soc.)Univ. of Ghent as Jurist, has been Graduated in Complementary Studies of Corporate Law at (Cat.)Univ. of Brussels, with specialities including (Inter)National Financial-, Stock- &Stock-Exchange-, Securities- and Bank-Law. Later on he obtained his postgraduation Business Economics (Great Distinct.) from (Plural.)(Univ.)Antwerp Management School. He also obtained his post-graduation Financial Management of Enterprises (Distinction) from (U)AMS with subjects Corporate Finance, Financial Management, Capital Budgeting and Value-Based Management. He finished in Dec 2017 his Pre-PhD Health-Economics at UGhent (Promotor Prof. L. Annemans, HE). Presently he has been working at preparing the start of Research in Joint and Interdisciplinary PhD Studies Laws and Social Health Sciences [Aspects Fiscal Law, Social Security Law, and Health Organization] (at VUB, Brussels, Main Institute), and Health Sciences, Philosophy, and Moral Sciences [Aspects Health Economics, Philosophy, and Ethical Principles] (at UGhent, Ghent, Partner Institute).


