Jamal Abdulkarim
George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust, Warwick Medical School, UK
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Primary Health Care
Polyorchidism is a rare congenital anomaly described as the presence of more than two testes. The aetiology of this condition is unknown but it was first described by Blasius in 1670 as an incidental finding during an autopsy. This is an uncommon condition particularly with an undescended testis and usually diagnosed at early life. We present a case report of 81 year old with undescended supernumerary testis and to our knowledge this is the oldest age at presentation. We will also discuss the relevant embryological development.
Jamal Abdulkarim had completed his Post-graduate training in Radiology in Leicester Training Scheme UK, where he obtained the FRCR. Currently, he is a Consultant Radiologist at George Eliot Hospital and a Visiting Fellow to Warwick Medical School. His current research interest is in the field of reduction of intravenous contrast in CT examination and the effects on renal function where he had published several papers.
Email: jamal.abdulkarim@geh.nhs.uk