Mawadda Karrar Ibrahim and Abbashar M Hussein
University of Bahri, Sudan
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Neurol Neurophysiol
Background: Stroke is a condition that involves loss of brain functions caused by loss of blood supply to part of the brain. It is the third most common cause of death in the developed countries and in 40% of young patients no cause can be identified. Methodology: A case control study involving 100 patients with thrombotic CVA and 300 age and gender matched healthy control (2002-2004). Results: In this study, the hematological profiles for patients were within normal range. With normal ranges of APTT (activated partial thromboplastin time) and thrombin clotting time, LA and dysfibrinogenemias can be excluded. Natural anticoagulants (PC, PS, and AT-III) were at the lower range of normal in all patients (p=0.04), and were significantly lower from those of the age (p=0.04), and gender matched controls (p=0.02). In addition, most of the female patients were on oral contraceptive pills at the time of the stroke. Female patients had even lower AT-III levels compared to female controls. Conclusion: Relative PC, PS, AT-111 deficiencies could be a possible cause of increase thromboembolic CVAs in Sudan.
Mawadda Karrar Ibrahim is a Medical Student at University of Bahri, Sudan. She is interested in research field particularly in Neurology and Infectious Diseases, member of Daoud Research Group , it is intended to give more chances for health care professionals in research field, attending neurologic clinic every week, She will see approximately 100 patients per week with professor of neurology Abbashar Hussein, also every month she travel to other states in my country for mobile charity clinic to see neurologic cases with professor of neurology Abbashar Hussein, and participating now in one research, and one other research under the process of publication.