Nataliya Huseva
Belarusian State Medical University, Belarus
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Neurol Neurophysiol
Objective: To establish the histological and morphometric features of the human cerebral arterial circle as significant for
cerebral circulation disorders development.
Methods: The places of Willis circle vessels bifurcation were studied on 120 human brain preparations after staining with
hematoxylin and eosin, Van-Gizon, orcein by Uann-Terzen, Sudan and with immunohistochemistry.
Results: Reconstruction of cerebral vessels walls was determined inner layer growth (intimate thickenings), gradual thinning
the middle layer till complete disappearance (p<0.05). The intimate thickenings growth was represented by 3 periods: (1)
Formation (2-21 years); (2) slow growth (22-55 years); and (3) rapid growth (after 56 years). The medial layer in the first period
of mature age (22-35 years) thinned by 53%; in the second period (36-55 years) by 59% and in the elderly age (56-74 years) by
79% or it was absent at all, that contribute to protrusion of the apical angle wall. Intimate thickenings were undergone an agerelated
reconstruction caused by atherogenesis (appearance of lipid inclusions, moderate expression of Ki-67 protein).
Conclusion: The histological and morphological features of human intimal thickenings were revealed. The following periods
were distinguished as the crucial for cerebral circulation disorders development: The 1st period (30-35 years) - the medial layer
thickness in branching vessel decreased significantly, that might contribute to the aneurysm formation; the 2nd period (after
56 years) - there was a significant increase in the height of intimal thickenings, that could lead to the vascular stenosis.
Nataliya Huseva is currently working at Belarusian State Medical University, Belarus.