Refurbished ancient Indian thought in contemporary clinical psych | 13738

Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy

ISSN - 2161-0487

+44 1478 350008

Refurbished ancient Indian thought in contemporary clinical psychology

International Conference on Clinical Psychology & Nursing

October 18-20, 2018 | Amsterdam, Netherlands

Balbinder Singh

Jain University, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Psychol Psychother

Abstract :

India has been known as the land of Saints and Sages who made world spiritually aware of how to deal with various life issues. Different philosophers, thinkers, saint and sages have revealed about human nature i.e., how do we think, perceive, act and use our cognitive functions as well as emotional aspects to solve our problems. Indian system of thought is guided through an interrelated and philosophical religious compilation of spirituality, yog (yoga) and meditation. In Vedas four main branches of Yog (yoga), Karma (action) yog; Bhakti (devotion) yog; Jnana (knowledge) yog; and, Raja (meditation) yog, has been described. According to the Vedas the soul is said to be connected with mind, which connects to the body and this to the outer world causing knowledge and action. The mind has three elements â?? Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. Sattva means being cool, normal in pleasure and painful situations. Rajas means passion and luxary and Tamas means being dull, ignorant and sleepy. Principles for social wellbeing are also highlighted that are â?? being patient, tolerant and avoiding anger. There are five foibles â?? lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego that are root cause of many problems in life. According to Gurbani, which means the knowledge provided by God, through his messengers like True Gurus (spiritual teachers), Saints, and Great Incarnations, they provided us true knowledge of God, there are five principal virtues - Truth, Contentment, Self-control, Patience, and Good-will for all which are of immense healing potential for any problem. Further, the Gurus have suggested collective prayers, surrendering to the God and being happy in his cause, and simple living. The developments in the fields of science and technology have revolutionized human life at material level but it is only superficial: underneath modern men and women are living in conditions of great mental and emotional stress, irrespective of culture and economic background suffering from mental illness. So, I propose that using ancient Indian techniques, such as yog, meditation, spirituality and following the footsteps of siants, sages and great thinkers, in refurbished manner can be of great help for those who are suffering from any kind of psychological problem. For instance - Yog is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice which has its origin in India. Expansion of consciousness and making oneself the master of oneâ??s mind are the broad objectives of yog. Yog has been known to heal and treat many psychological problems simply by practicing and believing in it. It involves concentration on the breath and body, which makes it a great way to soothe a personâ??s mind and relieve worries. By helping discharge tension and stress, yog postures and breathing exercises keep a person free from such negative elements. Modern interest in relaxation can be traced to studies on Savasana. Rising popularity of meditation practice links psychology to oriental religious practices and philosophy.

Biography :

Balbinder Singh has completed his PhD at the age of 32 years from Guru Nanak Dev University. He is had been working as Clinical Psychologist for almost five years in Bhatia Neuropsychiatric Hospital and Deaddiction Centre. Further he has experience of teaching Clinical Psychology, Rehabilitation Psychology and Research Methodology in Psychology, in Banasthali Vidyapith, for more than four years. He has published two Psychological tests and has authored one book titled as “Rehabilitation Psychology”. Further, he has published five research papers in national as well as intarenational journals.


