Stress and coping mechanisms | 41784

Journal of Depression and Anxiety

ISSN - 2167-1044

Stress and coping mechanisms

4th International Conference on Depression, Anxiety and Stress Management

May 10-11, 2018 | Frankfurt, Germany

Ta Tanisha Miller

Excelsior College, United States

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Depress Anxiety

Abstract :

Statement of the Problem: Nurses are caregivers who often sacrifice their health and wellness while healing and caring for others. Stress decreases job satisfaction, productivity, retention, and patient-care outcome. Healthcare work environments will benefit from the application of easy to obtain and apply coping recommendations. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: The Transactional Model of Stress and Coping by Lazarus and Folkman formed the theoretical framework for this project. Using surveys, opinions were gathered from clinical registered nurses. The information was used to create a pamphlet with a wide range of coping mechanisms. A post-survey documented the effectiveness of the methods and nurse leader�s role. Findings: Findings from this study show that combination of self-care and organizational coping strategies will help increase the job satisfaction and productivity of nurses. The impact of stress upon nurses and patient safety in an organization causes a decrease in critical thinking skills that can predispose patients to safety incidents. The delivery method was nontraditional stress management training, the pamphlets were voted to be the better delivery for convenience and ability to share with others due to its portability. Conclusion & Significance: Maintaining a positive attitude all the time is hard to do when faced with external situations out of one�s control. The inability to properly assess an overwhelming event may elicit maladaptive behaviors. This project supports the optimal occupational well-being of the healthcare team by implementing tools that support positive coping behaviors. Dealing with stress is a process that can be tailored to fit any organization needs. With proper training, recognizing one�s stressors and choosing an acceptable coping mechanism. Organizational leaders must improve programs to safeguard the wellbeing of its employees and enhance the unit�s environment. Proper changes will increase nurse job satisfaction, increased productivity, enhanced retention, and safeguard patient outcomes. Recent Publications 1. Fernandes W N and Nirmala R (2017) Workplace stress and coping strategies among Indian nurses: literature review. Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research. 7(3):449-454. Doi:10.5958/2349-2996.2017.00088.X 2. Koinis A et al. (2015) The impact of healthcare workers job environment on their mental-emotional health; coping strategies: the case of a local general hospital. Health Psychology Research. 3(1). Doi: 10.4081/hpr.2015.1984. 3. Mohamed S and Baqutayan S (2015) Stress and coping mechanisms: a historical overview. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. 6(2)479-488. Doi:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n2s1p479. 4. Stamp B and Foster R (2017) The case for recognizing nurses as health care�s #1 stakeholder. Stamp and Chase Leader Briefing. Page.1-8. 5. Yousefi M and Abdullahm A (2017) How to cope with organizational stress. International Journal of Current Innovation Research. 3(5):674-675. ISSN: 2395 -5775

Biography :

Ta Tanisha Miller, MSN-ED, RN retired Army Veteran with expertise in improving the health and wellbeing of nurses to safeguard patients. Her template survey and pamphlet models create a simplified version of stress management that can be applied to any work shift geared towards improving healthcare. The foundation is based on Transactional Model of Stress and Coping that utilizes appraisal and individual-environment interactive approach. This approach is receptive to stakeholders at all levels and applies to any occupation.
