Structural and functional MRI correlates of poststroke depression | 49675

Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology

ISSN - 2155-9562

Structural and functional MRI correlates of poststroke depression

21st World Congress on Neurology and Therapeutics

March 15-17, 2018 | London, UK

Wai Kwong Tang

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Keynote: J Neurol Neurophysiol

Abstract :

Many stroke survivors suffer from depression. Poststroke depression (PSD) adversely effect on the recovery and rehabilitation of stroke survivors. The frequency of PSD remained high in both acute and chronic stroke patients. Possible structural correlates of PSD include cerebral microbleeds, lacunar infarcts, and white matter changes. Functional changes in several brain networks, such as the default mode network and the affective network have been reported in PSD. Latest findings on the link between structural and functional brain changes and PSD will be discussed.

Biography :

Wai Kwong Tang was appointed as Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2011. His main research area includes Addictions and Neuropsychiatry in Stroke. He has published over 100 papers in renowned journals, and has also contributed to the peer review of 40 journals. He has secured over 20 major competitive research grants, including Health and Medical Research Fund, reference number: 02130726. Health and Medical Research Fund, reference number: 01120376 and National Natural Science Foundation of China, reference number: 81371460. General Research Fund, reference number: 474513. General Research Fund, reference number: 473712. He has served in Editorial Boards of five scientific journals. He was also a recipient of the Young Researcher Award in 2007, awarded by the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
