Taking the developments of child and adolescent psychopharmacolog | 49465

Journal of Neuroscience and Neuropharmacology

Taking the developments of child and adolescent psychopharmacology to the unreached in low resource countries

7th Global Experts Meeting on NEUROPHARMACOLOGY

July 31-August 02, 2017 | Milan, Italy

Devashish Konar

Mental Health Care Centre, India

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Neurochem Neuropharm

Abstract :

Some 25 years back, children and adolescents were hardly the focus of treatment in psychiatry in low resource countries. Now we know that psychiatric illnesses starts early and many of these continue through the life. Treatments if started early do affect the progress of illness. Psychotherapy, though good, requires trained professionals, is expensive and is time consuming. Now with new regulations and encouragement of regulatory bodies we have some evidences and specific data to carry out pharmacological treatment of child and adolescent psychiatric illnesses. With limited number of child psychiatrist, every general psychiatrist, pediatrician and family physician need to master some of the concepts of child and adolescent psychopharmacology. This is the only way to reach the benefits of recent understanding to the greater mass of psychologically suffering children and adolescents and thus we should be able to decrease their plight. All these professionals need to master few drugs, their dosage schedule, adverse effects and interactions. They should know where to stop and when and whom to refer. The aim of this presentation is to build a model for academic exercise to be carried out with these professionals so that they develop some basic skills needed in this poorly explored area of knowledge.

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