Technology of human psychophysiology teaching | 17514

Anatomy & Physiology: Current Research

ISSN - 2161-0940

+44 1300 500008

Technology of human psychophysiology teaching

International Conference on Anatomy and Physiology

August 11-13, 2016 Birmingham, UK

Nesterovich T B

Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Anat Physiol

Abstract :

Effectiveness of education depends on used technologies of teaching and control of learning and skills. In interest of study of psychophysiology technologies of forming the students� knowledge and skills, connected with accounting of physiological characteristics of human during design aircraft and technical means of training pilots were developed. These technologies are based on the integration of the learning process and practice. Study of each topic consists of a theoretical part and practical exercises. Students are involved in research and defining the values of psycho-physiological indices, and evaluating functional status of the operators and their activities. Algorithms of solving tasks consisted of mental and psychomotor actions and operations, implementing by means of psycho-physiological processes. These processes are discovery, identification, perception, anticipation, and decision-making in tasks of different logical complexity. For modeling the psychomotor activity in such tasks there were using processes of tracing, various locomotory acts and others actions. Repeated solution of tasks and locomotor actions to study psychophysiology of memory and rebuilding motor skills, and influence mental and physical fatigue on the operator's activities were used. Importance of studying the mechanisms of regulation of psycho-physiological functions and status of the pilot under the influence of accelerations, hypoxia and others was demonstrated. Special attention was paid to integrating psycho-physiological indicators when assessing training programs of pilot on simulators. The proposed technology of integration of theory and practice of teaching students the psychophysiology was interrelated with the teaching of psychology, pedagogy, mathematical analysis, and other disciplines included in the curriculum of students Aerospace University.

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