The effect of career awareness on career and talent development s | 49382

Primary Health Care: Open Access

ISSN - 2167-1079

The effect of career awareness on career and talent development self-efficacy and career barriers among nursing students

9th Asia Pacific Global Summit on Healthcare & Immunology

July 03-05, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Ebtsam Aly AbouHashish

King Saud bin Abdul-Aziz University for Health Sciences, KSA

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Primary Health Care

Abstract :

Background: There has been an increased emphasis on the importance of providing efficient and effective methods of career awareness, education, and knowledge for nursing students which could affect their talent and self-efficacy development and enable them to overcome the potential career-related obstacles and barriers. Purpose: The aim of this study was two-fold; a) to investigate the effect of career awareness sessions on perceived career and talent development self-efficacy and career barriers among nursing students. b) To identify the nature of the relationship between career and talent development self-efficacy and career barriers. Methods: A quasi-experimental research with one group, pre-test post-test design was conducted using a convenience sample of all nursing students (N=245) who enrolled in the second year of Technical Nursing Institute, Alexandria University and agreed to participate in the research study. The career awareness sessions were introduced to nursing students after obtaining ethical approval for the study. Career and Talent Development Self-Efficacy Scale and Career Barriers Inventory were proved valid and reliable to measure study variables pre and post awareness sessions. Results: The present study indicated a significant effect of career awareness sessions on the study variables where career and talent development self-efficacy score of nursing students significantly increased. On the contrary, career barriers score significantly decreased after sessions (p<0.001). A significant negative correlation between career and talent development selfefficacy and career barriers was found. Also, career barriers can significantly predict 49.5% of career and talent development self-efficacy among nursing students (F=46.779, p<0.001). Conclusion & Recommendations: Overall, increasing the career awareness of nursing students emerged as being effective in enhancing their career and talent development self-efficacy and decreasing career barriers. Nursing curricula should prepare nursing students and graduates by offering systematic and continuous career educational opportunities to assist them in choosing career paths that match their interests and professional roles.

Biography :

Ebtsam Aly AbouHashish has been promoted as an Assistant Professor of Nursing Management from Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University, Egypt. She attained Doctorate of Nursing Adminstration in 2010, Master of Nursing Adminstration in 2006 and Bachelor of Nursing Science in 2001 from Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University, Egypt. She teaches many courses for Under-graduates and Post-graduates, and participated in supervising many dissertations and thesis as an Academic Supervisor. She has published many research articles and two books internationally. She is intersested in quantitative and qualitative research in all areas of nursing management and partcipated as a Reviewer for Nursing Ethics Journal and always strives for excellence as an academic.

