

Tolerance of bevacizumab in the therapy targeted at 50 cases foll | 16577

Journal of Drug Metabolism & Toxicology

ISSN - 2157-7609


Tolerance of bevacizumab in the therapy targeted at 50 cases followed to CHU Annaba, Algeria

International Conference on Toxicogenomics and Drug Monitoring

August 25-27, 2015 Valencia, Spain

Wafa Soudani1, Rachid Djafer1, Hanene Djeddi2 and Fatiha Griffi2

1Annaba Medical College, Algeria 2CHU Annaba, Algeria

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Drug Metab Toxicol

Abstract :

Background: Several strategies therapeutic were elaborated such as the targeted therapies; this discovery opened with the researchers to invent several types of monoclonal antibodies. In this context, the aim of our work was to evaluate the tolerance with the bevacizumab in the cancer patients. Method: We carried out a descriptive retrospective study on the treatment by the bevacizumab starting from an investigation in fifty (50) cancer patients followed at the service of hemato-oncology CHU Annaba, prevailed by the old women from 45 to 85 years, from December 2013 to May 2014. Results: Principal specific toxicities related to the bevacizumab were arterial hypertension (27.27% in monotherapy, 30.67% in bitherapy, 7.69% in combination therapy) and the hemorrhage (45.45% in monotherapy, 23.07% in bitherapy, 15.38% in combination therapy) while the asthenia, the effects digestive and the hoop nets neuropsychic were related as well to the bevacizumab as with the cytotoxicones. We showed the influence of chemotherapy associated on the increase of the frequency of the specific, common and cumulative undesirable effects, we noted also the influence of chemotherapy on the nature of the cumulative undesirable effects produced by Bevacizumab; from the more serious cumulative effects were obtained in biotherapy (of the eye troubles, the osseous pains, of the epigastralgia, pulmonary fibrosis, diabetes at 7.69%) and in combination therapy (anemia at 23.07%, diabetes at 15.38%, the clot of blood and the epigastralgia at 7.69%). Conclusion: The nature and the frequency of the developed undesirable effects suggest the need for requesting the responsible authorities of health to improve the dispensation of therapeutic anti-cancer drugs especially the targeted expensive ones, and of various anti-cancer means in particular the radiotherapy, in order to ensure the best taken in charge of the cancer patients.

Biography :

Wafa Soudani received Doctorate on pharmacy from Annaba medical college-Algeria. She has continued study in Algiers medical college- Algeria where she was diplomated at the age 27 years and she become a teacher master assisting in chemical chemistry in Annaba Medical college-Algeria at the age 29 years. After that, she has presented many of papers in a lot of international congress (France, Turkey, and Tunisia) as communications and she have published 4 papers in Journal Annals of Clinical Biology, Journal of Clinical Chemistry Laboratory Medicine and Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Natural

Email: Science. wafa24soud@gmail.com
