Dre Martine Jolivet
University of Montreal, Canada
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Neurol Neurophysiol
In 2002, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), and the American College of Physicians (ACP) already had a consensus on the issue:“The goal of transition in health care for young adults with special health care needs is to maximize lifelong functioning and potential through the provision of high-quality, developmentally appropriate health care services that continue uninterrupted as the individual moves from adolescence to adulthood” Changes of perception had just happened recently: partly due to the improved overall health of children with chronic conditions since today, it is 90% of children with chronic conditions who will have to make a transition to the adult world. Despite many propositions made by health organizations or theoretical models, there is still a significant gap with reality for patients with severe urological diseasesduring adolescence. To achieve a result, adolescents need guidance, education and organization, including active communication and developing a lasting relationship of trust to make the transition as easy and smooth as possible. We present here the model CHUM-CHU Ste-Justine. In order to take care of patients in the complex period of adolescence, a transitional consultation led jointly by a pediatric urologist and an adult urologist has been set up in our university hospital (within the pediatric structure).
Dre Martine Jolivet has completed her Medicine School in 1993, her residency in Urology in 1998 at the University of Montreal and her fellow in Neuro-urology and reconstructive surgery in 2000 in Toronto. She is the director of the urodynamic labarotory at the CHUM, associate professor since more than 20 years and working at the CHUM, CHU-Ste-Justine, Institut de réadaptation.