Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences

ISSN - 2155-9600

+32 25889658

Food Sciences and Technology

Food science is the study of how to optimize agricultural output, while food technology is the implementation of those improvements. And it applies to biology, agriculture and engineering to the practical problem of ensuring a safe food supply that provides adequate nutrition to the population. Food science and technology professionals explore new food sources, find ways to make processed foods safe, determine fat and protein levels in foods and develop ways to process, store, preserve and distribute food.

Related Journals of Food Sciences and Technology
Journal of Food Engineering, Journal of Food Science and Technology, Food and Bioprocess Technology, Food Science and Technology International, Food and Bioprocess Technology, Journal of Food Science, Trends in Food Science and Technology, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, LWT- Food Science and Technology, American Journal of Food Science and Technology, African Journal of Food Science and Technology.
