Journal of Perioperative Medicine

ISSN - 2684-1290

+44 1478 350008

Health care communications

Health communication is the study and practice. It is communicating the promotional health information. Such as Public health ,Health education and between doctor and patient. Because effective health communication must be designer for the audience and the situation, research into health communication pursues to refine communication strategies to inform people about ways to enhance health or to avoid specific health risks. Academically, Health communication faces many challenges that is 1.Literacy-communication gap 2. Mass media. Health statement may variously seek to: advocate a position on a health issue or policy .Increase demand for health services. Goal against misconceptions about health. Related journals of Health care communications. Family Medicine Journals, General Practice, Fitness Journal, Health Care journals, Health Education Journal, Womens Health Care Journal, Journal of Communication in Healthcare, Patient Education and Counseling - Journal, Communication & Medicine - Equinox Publishing, Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine, Health Medical Informatics Journals, Journal Rankings on Communication, A New Dimension of Health Care, The New England Journal of Medicine.
