Virology & Mycology

ISSN - 2161-0517

+44 1223 790975

HIV Virology

HIV belongs to a group of a retroviruses called lentiviruses.The genome of retroviruses is made of RNA,and each virus has two single chains of RNA ,for replication the virus needs a host cell,and the RNA must first be transcribed in to DNA,which is done with enzyme reverse transcriptase .The human immunodeficiency viruses are approximately 100 nm in diameter. It has a lipid envelope, in which are embedded the trimeric transmembrane glycoprotein gp41 to which the surface glycoprotein gp120 is attached.HIV leads to AIDS primarily because the virus destroys essential immune cells called CD4 T cells,but also to a lesser degree monocytes ,marcophages,and dendritic cells .Once infected ,the cell turns in to a HIV replicating cell and loses its function in human immune system.

Related Journals of HIV Virology

Virology & Mycology, Journal of HIV & Retro Virus, Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research, Journal of Allergy & Therapy, Journal of Virology & Antiviral Research, AIDS Patient Care and STDs, Archiv für Kriminologie, Arkhiv Patologii, HIV and AIDS Review, HIV Clinical Trials, HIV clinician / Delta Region AIDS Education & Training Center, HIV Medicine, HIV Nursing.
