Journal of Fertilization: In Vitro - IVF-Worldwide, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biol

ISSN - 2375-4508

+44 1478 350008

Reproductive Genetics

Reproductive genetics is a sub-filed of medical genetics that primarily involve conducting different tests for predicting possible outcomes of future pregnancies. The tests involve analyzing genetic material like chromosomes, genes, DNA, RNA and gene products for accessing genetic changes that have likelihood of causing some disease after pregnancy in either mother or child.

Related Journals of Reproductive Genetics

Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders; Current Trends in Gynecologic Oncology; Andrology & Gynecology: Current Research; Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics; Conservation Genetics; Animal Reproduction Science; Reproductive Biomedicine Online; Human Reproduction Update; PLoS Genetics

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