Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research

ISSN - 2161-038X

+44 1300 500008

Sexual Disorders

Sexual disorders are problems linked to sexual response, sexual arousal, sexual desire or an orgasm. Sexual disorders are not those one – off problems but are frequent and recurrent. This can be very stressful for an individual or his or her partner and very often can create problems in relationships.

Stress is a common cause of sexual disorders. It’s hard to feel sexy or be in the mood when you’re fatigued or overwhelmed. Sexual trauma or psychological issues can cause sexual disorders. So can diabetes, heart disease, or other medical conditions. Drug and alcohol use and certain medications can also be contributing factors.

Related Journals of Sexual Disorders

Health Care : Current Reviews, Primary Healthcare: Open Access, Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, Sexual Health, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Current Sexual Health Reports.
