Transcriptional attenuation is a regulatory mechanism that causes premature termination of transcription under certain conditions, thereby preventing the expression of the mRNA required for expression of the corresponding gene products. Premature termination of transcription, or attenuation, is an efficient RNA-based regulatory strategy that is commonly used in bacterial organisms. Attenuators are generally located in the 5′ untranslated regions of genes or operons and combine a Rho-independent terminator, controlling transcription, with an RNA element that senses specific environmental signals.
Related journal of transcriptional attenuation
Transcriptomics, Gene Technology , Journal of Medical Microbiology & Diagnosis, Journal of Clinical & Medical Genomics, American Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, American Journal for Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, Asia Pacific Journal of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education